Why Choose A.G.Chem?!
Because of the profound and trustworthy reputation, A.G.Chem managed to write its name in the Egyptian market with letters of Gold. Its high standard quality product and strictly followed safety procedures has strongly convinced distinguished and reputable international brands such as Carrier, Sharp, Toshiba, York, B.M.W, Mercedes, Trane and many other international companies to mainly rely on A.G.Chem in providing their most crucial item refrigerant gases. Names such as Carrier, Sharp, Toshiba, B.M.W, and other international brands are not willing to jeopardize their reputation and lose their customers trust, therefore they choose the best.
In 1993 A.G.Chem launched, under the name (Egyptian Industries Development-Eidco Ltd.) the target was to fulfill its name by developing the industry of refrigerant gas Click for details>>